Research AreasPublications

Quantum Security & Reliability

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(Submitted) Meir Lederman, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss, Submitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics, and Security, 2024.

Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss


Secure communication is considered with unreliable
entanglement assistance, due to one of two reasons: Interception or loss. We consider two corresponding models. In the first model, Eve may intercept the entanglement resource. In the second model, Eve is passive, and the resource may dissipate to the environment beyond her reach. The operational principle of communication with unreliable entanglement assistance is to adapt the transmission rate to the availability of entanglement assistance, without resorting to feedback and repetition. For the passive model, we derive a multi-letter secrecy capacity formula for general channels, subject to a maximal error criterion and semantic security. For the interception model, we derive achievable rates, and a multi-letter formula for the special class of degraded channels. As an example, we consider the erasure channel and the amplitude damping channel. In the erasure channel, time division is optimal and we derive single-letter formulas for both models. In the amplitude damping channel, under interception, time division is not necessarily possible, and the boundary of our achievable region is disconnected. In the passive model, our rate region outperforms time division.


Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss

 author={Lederman, Meir and Pereg, Uzi},
 journal={Submitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics, and Security},
 title={Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss},
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(Accepted) Meir Lederman, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Semantic Security with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss, Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2024), August 2024.

Semantic Security with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss


Semantic security is considered with unreliable entanglement assistance, due to one of two reasons: Interception or loss. We consider two corresponding models. In the first model, Eve may intercept the entanglement resource. In the second model, Eve is passive, and the resource may dissipate to the environment beyond her reach. We derive achievable rates for both models, subject to a maximal error criterion and semantic security. As an example, we consider the amplitude damping channel. Under interception, time division is not necessarily possible, and the boundary of our achievable region is disconnected. In the passive model, our rate region outperforms time division.


Semantic Security with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss

 author={Lederman, Meir and Pereg, Uzi},
 booktitle={Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)},
 title={Semantic Security with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance: Interception and Loss},
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Icon for Quantum Security & Reliability
(Accepted) Meir Lederman, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance, Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2024), July 2024., Accepted

Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance


Secure communication is considered with unreliable entanglement assistance, where the adversary may intercept the legitimate receiver’s entanglement resource before communication takes place. The communication setting of unreliable assistance, without security aspects, was originally motivated by the extreme photon loss in practical communication systems. The operational principle is to adapt the transmission rate to the availability of entanglement assistance, without resorting to feedback and repetition. Here, we require secrecy as well. An achievable secrecy rate region is derived for general quantum wiretap channels, and a multi-letter secrecy capacity formula for the special class of degraded channels.


Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

 author={Lederman, Meir and Pereg, Uzi},
 booktitle={Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channels With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance, Proceedings of the 2024 International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2024), pp. 149-153, March 2024.

Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channels With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance


Entanglement assistance can improve communication rates significantly. Yet, its generation is susceptible to failure. The unreliable assistance model accounts for those challenges. Previous work provided an asymptotic formula that outlines the tradeoff between the unassisted and excess rates from entanglement assistance. We derive a full characterization for entanglement-breaking channels, and show that combining entanglement-assisted and unassisted coding is suboptimal. From a networking perspective, this finding is nontrivial and highlights a quantum behavior arising from superposition.


Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channels With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

 title={Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channels With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance},
 author={Pereg, Uzi},
 booktitle={International Z\"urich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2024)},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channel with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance, Physical Review A, 2023, Volume 108, Issue 4, p. 042616.

Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channel with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance


Entanglement assistance can improve communication rates significantly. Yet its generation is susceptible to failure. The unreliable assistance model accounts for those challenges. Previous work provided an asymptotic formula that outlined the tradeoff between the unassisted and excess rates from entanglement assistance. We derive a full characterization for entanglement-breaking channels and show that combining entanglement-assisted and unassisted coding is suboptimal. From a networking perspective, this finding is nontrivial and highlights a quantum behavior arising from superposition.


Communication Over Entanglement-Breaking Channel with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

 title={Communication over entanglement-breaking channels with unreliable entanglement assistance},
 author={Pereg, Uzi},
 journal={Physical Review A},
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Icon for Quantum Security & Reliability
(Submitted) Elyakim Zlotnick, Prof. Boulat A. Bash, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels, Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023.

Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels


We consider entanglement-assisted communication over the qubit depolarizing channel under the security requirement of covert communication, where the transmission itself must be concealed from detection by an adversary. Previous work showed that O(√n) information bits can be reliably and covertly transmitted in n channel uses without entanglement assistance. However, Gagatsos et al. (2020) showed that entanglement assistance can increase this scaling to O(√n log n) for continuous-variable bosonic channels. Here, we present a finite-dimensional parallel, and show that O(√n log n) covert bits can be transmitted reliably over n uses of a qubit depolarizing channel. The coding scheme employs “weakly” entangled states such that the squared amplitude scales as O(1/√n).


Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels

 author={Zlotnick, Elyakim and Bash, Boulat and Pereg, Uzi},
 booktitle={Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
 title={Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels},
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Elyakim Zlotnick, Prof. Boulat A. Bash, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2023), pp. 198-203, June 2023.

Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels


We consider entanglement-assisted communication over the qubit depolarizing channel under the security requirement of covert communication, where the transmission itself must be concealed from detection by an adversary. Previous work showed that O(√n) information bits can be reliably and covertly transmitted in n channel uses without entanglement assistance. However, Gagatsos et al. (2020) showed that entanglement assistance can increase this scaling to O(√n logn) for continuous-variable bosonic channels. Here, we present a finite-dimensional parallel, and show that O(√n logn) covert bits can be transmitted reliably over n uses of a qubit depolarizing channel.


Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels

 author={Zlotnick, Elyakim and Bash, Boulat and Pereg, Uzi},
 booktitle={2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={Entanglement-Assisted Covert Communication via Qubit Depolarizing Channels},
 keywords={Qubit;Reliability theory;Security;Information theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Communication With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023, Volume 68, Issue 6, pp. 4579-4599.

Communication With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance


Entanglement resources can increase transmission rates substantially. Unfortunately, entanglement is a fragile resource that is quickly degraded by decoherence effects. In order to generate entanglement for optical communication, the transmitter and the receiver first prepare entangled spin-photon pairs locally, and then the photon at the transmitter is sent to the receiver through an optical fiber or free space. Without feedback, the transmitter does not know whether the entangled photon has reached the receiver. The present work introduces a new model of unreliable entanglement assistance, whereby the communication system operates whether entanglement assistance is present or not. While the sender is ignorant, the receiver knows whether the entanglement generation was successful. In the case of a failure, the receiver decodes less information. In this manner, the effective transmission rate is adapted according to the assistance status. Regularized formulas are derived for the classical and quantum capacity regions with unreliable entanglement assistance, characterizing the tradeoff between the unassisted rate and the excess rate that can be obtained from entanglement assistance. It is further established that time division between entanglement-assisted and unassisted coding strategies is optimal for the noiseless qubit channel, but can be strictly suboptimal for a noisy channel.


Communication With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
 title={Communication With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance},
 keywords={Quantum entanglement;Satellites;Receivers;Protocols;Optical transmitters;Qubit;Quantum channels;Channel capacity;entanglement assistance;quantum communication;Shannon theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2022), pp. 231-2236, June 2022.

Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance


Entanglement resources can increase transmission rates substantially. Unfortunately, entanglement is a fragile resource that is quickly degraded by decoherence effects. The present work introduces a new model of unreliable entanglement assistance, whereby the communication system operates whether entanglement assistance is present or not. While the sender is ignorant, the receiver knows whether the entanglement generation was successful. In the case of a failure, the receiver decodes less information. In this manner, the effective transmission rate is adapted according to the assistance status. Regularized formulas are derived for the classical and quantum capacity regions with unreliable entanglement assistance, characterizing the tradeoff between the unassisted rate and the excess rate that can be obtained from entanglement assistance.


Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance},
 keywords={Adaptation models;Quantum entanglement;Communication systems;Receivers;Information theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Classical State Masking over a Quantum Channel, Proceedings of the 2022 International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2022), pp. 64-68, March 2022.

Classical State Masking over a Quantum Channel


Transmission of classical information over a quantum state-dependent channel is considered, when the encoder can measure channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. In this quantum setting, it is essential to conceal the CSI measurement as well. A regularized formula is derived for the masking equivocation region, and a full characterization is established for a class of measurement channels.


Classical State Masking over a Quantum Channel

 title={Classical State Masking over a Quantum Channel},
 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={International Z\"urich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2022)},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Classical State Masking Over a Quantum Channel, Physical Review A, 2022, Volume 105, Issue 2, p. 22442.

Classical State Masking Over a Quantum Channel


Transmission of classical information over a quantum state-dependent channel is considered, when the encoder can measure channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. In this quantum setting, it is essential to conceal the CSI measurement as well. A regularized formula is derived for the masking equivocation region, and a full characterization is established for a class of measurement channels.


Classical State Masking Over a Quantum Channel

 title={Classical state masking over a quantum channel},
 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={Physical Review A},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Roberto Ferrara, Prof. Matthieu Bloch, Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2021), pp. 268-271, July 2021.

Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels


Secret-sharing building blocks based on quantum broadcast communication are studied. The confidential capacity region of the pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel is determined with key assistance, under the assumption of the long-standing minimum output-entropy conjecture. If the main receiver has a transmissivity of η<12, then confidentiality solely relies on the key-assisted encryption of the one-time pad. We also address conference key agreement for the distillation of two keys, a public key and a secret key. A regularized formula is derived for the key-agreement capacity region. In the pure-loss bosonic case, the key-agreement region is included within the capacity region of the corresponding broadcast channel with confidential messages. We then consider a network with layered secrecy, where three users with different security ranks communicate over the same broadcast network. We derive an achievable layered-secrecy region for a pure-loss bosonic channel that is formed by the concatenation of two beam splitters.


Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Ferrara, Roberto and Bloch, Matthieu R.},
 booktitle={2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)},
 title={Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels},
 keywords={Conferences;Public key;Receivers;Encryption;Security;Information theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Quantum Channel State Masking, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2020), April 2021.

Quantum Channel State Masking


Communication over a quantum channel that depends on a quantum state is considered, when the encoder has channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. A full characterization is established for the entanglement-assisted masking equivocation region, and a regularized formula is given for the quantum capacity-leakage function without assistance. For Hadamard channels without assistance, we derive single-letter inner and outer bounds, which coincide in the standard case of a channel that does not depend on a state.


Quantum Channel State Masking

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={2020 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)},
 title={Quantum Channel State Masking},
 keywords={Quantum entanglement;Quantum channel;Conferences;Quantum state;Decoding;Standards;Quantum communication;channel capacity;state masking;state information},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Quantum Channel State Masking, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2021, Volume 67, Issue 4, pp. 2245-2268.

Quantum Channel State Masking


Communication over a quantum channel that depends on a quantum state is considered when the encoder has channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. A full characterization is established for the entanglement-assisted masking equivocation region with a maximally correlated channel state, and a regularized formula is given for the quantum capacity-leakage function without assistance. For Hadamard channels without assistance, we derive single-letter inner and outer bounds, which coincide in the standard case of a channel that does not depend on a state.


Quantum Channel State Masking

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
 title={Quantum Channel State Masking},
 keywords={Quantum entanglement;Quantum mechanics;Quantum channel;Receivers;Decoding;Protocols;Transmitters;Quantum information;Shannon theory;quantum communication;channel capacity;state masking;entanglement assistance;state information},
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