Research AreasPublications

Network Communication

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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Vahid Jamali, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Robert Schober (Invited Paper), "Deterministic K-Identification for MC Poisson Channel With Inter-Symbol Interference", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024, vol. 5, pp. 1101-1122.
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Johannes Rosenberger, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels, Quantum Information Processing, 2023.

Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels


Identification over quantum broadcast channels is considered. As opposed to the information transmission task, the decoder only identifies whether a message of his choosing was sent or not. This relaxation allows for a double-exponential code size. An achievable identification region is derived for a quantum broadcast channel, and a full characterization for the class of classical-quantum broadcast channels. The identification capacity region of the single-mode pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel is obtained as a consequence. Furthermore, the results are demonstrated for the quantum erasure broadcast channel, where our region is suboptimal, but improves on the best previously known bounds.


Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels

 title={Identification over quantum broadcast channels},
 author={Rosenberger, Johannes and Deppe, Christian and Pereg, Uzi},
 journal={Quantum Information Processing},
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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Vahid Jamali, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Robert Schober, "Deterministic Identification for Molecular Communications Over the Poisson Channel", IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 2023, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 408-424.
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Johannes Rosenberger, Abdalla Ibrahim, Prof. Boulat A. Bash, Dr. Christian Deppe, Roberto Ferrara, Prof. Uzi Pereg, "Capacity Bounds for Identification With Effective Secrecy", Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2023), pp. 1202-1207, June 2023.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2023), pp. 3180-3185, May 2023.

The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters


Communication over a classical multiple-access channel (MAC) with quantum entanglement resources is considered, whereby two transmitters share entanglement resources a priori. Leditzky et al. (2020) presented an example, defined in terms of a pseudo telepathy game, such that the sum rate with entangled transmitters is strictly higher than the best achievable sum rate without such resources. Here, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region for the general MAC with entangled transmitters, and show that the previous result can be obtained as a special case. It has long been known that the capacity region of the classical MAC under a message-average error criterion can be strictly larger than with a maximal error criterion (Dueck, 1978). We observe that given entanglement resources, the regions coincide.


The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference},
 title={The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters},
 keywords={Transmitters;Quantum entanglement;Games;Global communication},
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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Vahid Jamali, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Robert Schober, "Deterministic Identification For MC ISI-Poisson Channel", Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023), pp. 6108-6113, May 2023.
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(Submitted) Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters, Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023.

The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters


Communication over a classical multiple-access channel (MAC) with entanglement resources is considered, whereby two
transmitters share entanglement resources a priori before communication begins. Leditzky et al. (2020) presented an example of a
classical MAC, defined in terms of a pseudo telepathy game, such that the sum rate with entangled transmitters is strictly higher
than the best achievable sum rate without such resources. Here, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region for
the general MAC with entangled transmitters, and show that the previous result can be obtained as a special case. It has long
been known that the capacity region of the classical MAC under a message-average error criterion can be strictly larger than with
a maximal error criterion (Dueck, 1978). We observe that given entanglement resources, the regions coincide. Furthermore, we
address the combined setting of entanglement resources and conferencing, where the transmitters can also communicate with each
other over rate-limited links. Using superdense coding, entanglement can double the conferencing rate.


The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
 title={The Multiple-Access Channel with Entangled Transmitters},
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Icon for Network Communication
Johannes Rosenberger, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, "Identification over Compound Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channels", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2023, Volume 69, Issue 7, pp. 4178-4195.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, The Quantum MAC with Cribbing Encoders, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2022), pp. 1076-1081, June 2022.

The Quantum MAC with Cribbing Encoders


Communication over a quantum multiple-access channel (MAC) with cribbing encoders is considered, whereby Transmitter 2 performs a measurement on a system that is entangled with Transmitter 1. Based on the no-cloning theorem, perfect cribbing is impossible. This leads to the introduction of a MAC model with noisy cribbing. In the causal and non-causal cribbing scenarios, Transmitter 2 performs the measurement before the input of Transmitter 1 is sent through the channel. Hence, Transmitter 2’s cribbing may inflict a “state collapse” for Transmitter 1. Achievable regions are derived for each setting. Furthermore, a regularized capacity characterization is established for robust cribbing, i.e. when the cribbing system contains all the information of the channel input, and a partial decode-forward region for non-robust cribbing. For the classical-quantum (c-q) MAC with cribbing encoders, the capacity region is determined with perfect cribbing of the classical input, and a cutset region is derived for noisy cribbing.


The Quantum MAC with Cribbing Encoders

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={The Quantum MAC with Cribbing Encoders},
 keywords={Transmitters;Quantum entanglement;Noise measurement;Information theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Johannes Rosenberger, Dr. Christian Deppe, Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2022), pp. 256-263, June 2022.

Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels


In the identification problem, as opposed to the information transmission task, the decoder only identifies whether a message of his choosing was sent or not. This relaxation allows for a double-exponential code size. An achievable identification region is derived for a quantum broadcast channel, and a full characterization for the class of classical-quantum broadcast channels. The results are demonstrated for a depolarizing broadcast channel. Furthermore, the identification capacity region of the single-mode pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel is obtained as a consequence. In contrast to the single-user case, the capacity region for identification can be significantly larger than for transmission.


Identification over Quantum Broadcast Channels

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Rosenberger, Johannes and Deppe, Christian},
 booktitle={2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={Identification Over Quantum Broadcast Channels},
 keywords={Codes;Quantum mechanics;Information processing;Decoding;Task analysis},
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Johannes Rosenberger, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, "Identification over Compound MIMO Broadcast Channels", Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022), May 2022.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, The Quantum Multiple Access Channel with Cribbing Encoders, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022, Volume 68, Issue 6, pp. 3965-3988.

The Quantum Multiple Access Channel with Cribbing Encoders


Communication over a quantum channel that depends on a quantum state is considered when the encoder has channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. A full characterization is established for the entanglement-assisted masking equivocation region with a maximally correlated channel state, and a regularized formula is given for the quantum capacity-leakage function without assistance. For Hadamard channels without assistance, we derive single-letter inner and outer bounds, which coincide in the standard case of a channel that does not depend on a state.


The Quantum Multiple Access Channel with Cribbing Encoders

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
 title={The Quantum Multiple-Access Channel With Cribbing Encoders},
 keywords={Radio transmitters;Relays;Noise measurement;Quantum mechanics;Receivers;Quantum computing;Quantum communication;Quantum communication;Shannon theory;multiple-access channel;cribbing;relay channel},
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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, "Deterministic Identification Over Channels With Power Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022, Volume 68, Issue 1, pp. 1-24.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Roberto Ferrara, Prof. Matthieu Bloch, Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2021), pp. 268-271, July 2021.

Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels


Secret-sharing building blocks based on quantum broadcast communication are studied. The confidential capacity region of the pure-loss bosonic broadcast channel is determined with key assistance, under the assumption of the long-standing minimum output-entropy conjecture. If the main receiver has a transmissivity of η<12, then confidentiality solely relies on the key-assisted encryption of the one-time pad. We also address conference key agreement for the distillation of two keys, a public key and a secret key. A regularized formula is derived for the key-agreement capacity region. In the pure-loss bosonic case, the key-agreement region is included within the capacity region of the corresponding broadcast channel with confidential messages. We then consider a network with layered secrecy, where three users with different security ranks communicate over the same broadcast network. We derive an achievable layered-secrecy region for a pure-loss bosonic channel that is formed by the concatenation of two beam splitters.


Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Ferrara, Roberto and Bloch, Matthieu R.},
 booktitle={2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)},
 title={Key Assistance, Key Agreement, and Layered Secrecy for Bosonic Broadcast Channels},
 keywords={Conferences;Public key;Receivers;Encryption;Security;Information theory},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2021), pp. 772-777, July 2021.

Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters


Communication over a quantum channel that depends on a quantum state is considered, when the encoder has channel side information (CSI) and is required to mask information on the quantum channel state from the decoder. A full characterization is established for the entanglement-assisted masking equivocation region, and a regularized formula is given for the quantum capacity-leakage function without assistance. For Hadamard channels without assistance, we derive single-letter inner and outer bounds, which coincide in the standard case of a channel that does not depend on a state.


Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters

 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 booktitle={2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)},
 title={Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters},
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Dr. Christian Deppe, Prof. Holger Boche, Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2021, Volume 62, Issue 6, 062204.

Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters


Communication over a quantum broadcast channel with cooperation between the receivers is considered. The first form of cooperation addressed is classical conferencing, where receiver 1 can send classical messages to receiver 2. Another cooperation setting involves quantum conferencing, where receiver 1 can teleport a quantum state to receiver 2. When receiver 1 is not required to recover information and its sole purpose is to help the transmission to receiver 2, the model reduces to the quantum primitive relay channel. The quantum conferencing setting is intimately related to quantum repeaters as the sender, receiver 1, and receiver 2 can be viewed as the transmitter, the repeater, and the destination receiver, respectively. We develop lower and upper bounds on the capacity region in each setting. In particular, the cutset upper bound and the decode-forward lower bound are derived for the primitive relay channel. Furthermore, we present an entanglement-formation lower bound, where a virtual channel is simulated through the conference link. At last, we show that as opposed to the multiple access channel with entangled encoders, entanglement between decoders does not increase the classical communication rates for the broadcast dual.


Quantum Broadcast Channels with Cooperating Decoders: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Quantum Repeaters

 title={Quantum broadcast channels with cooperating decoders: An information-theoretic perspective on quantum repeaters},
 author={Pereg, Uzi and Deppe, Christian and Boche, Holger},
 journal={Journal of Mathematical Physics},
 publisher={AIP Publishing}
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Icon for Network Communication
Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, "Deterministic Identification Over Channels With Power Constraint", Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), pp. 978-982, June 2021.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Channel with Colored Gaussian Noise", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2021, Volume 67, Issue 6, pp. 3781-3817.
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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, Robert Schober, "Deterministic Identification Over Poisson Channels", Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021), December 2021.
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Dr. Mohammad J. Salariseddigh, Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Holger Boche, Dr. Christian Deppe, "Deterministic Identification Over Fading Channels", Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2020), pp. 978-982, April 2021.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Channel with Colored Gaussian Noise", Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020), pp. 2097-2102, July 2020.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Broadcast Channel with Causal Side Information at the Encoder", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2020, Volume 66, Issue 2, pp. 757-779.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Relay Channel", 20th Anniversary of Entropy – Recent Advances in Entropy and Information-Theoretic Concepts and Their Applications, 2019, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 861-887.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Channel Under Constraints with Causal Side Information at the Encoder", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019, Volume 65, Issue 2, pp. 861-887.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Gaussian Relay Channel with Sender Frequency Division", Proceedings of the 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton 2018), pp. 1097-1103, October 2018.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Relay Channel", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2018), pp. 461-465, June 2018.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Broadcast Channel with Degraded Message Sets and Causal Side Information at the Encoder", Proceedings of the 2018 International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2018), pp. 20-24, February 2018.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Channel Under Constraints with Causal Side Information at the Encoder", Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017), pp. 2805-2809, June 2017.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Yossef Steinberg, "The Arbitrarily Varying Degraded Broadcast Channel With Causal Side Information at the Encoder", Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017), pp. 1033-1037, June 2017.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Ido Tal, "Channel Upgradation for Non-Binary Input Alphabets and MACs", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2017, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp. 1410-1424.
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Prof. Uzi Pereg, Prof. Ido Tal, "Channel Upgradation for Non-Binary Input Alphabets and MACs", Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014), pp. 411–415, July 2014.